Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sorry if this takes a little to load, but it is very hard to decide which stuff to edit out because I think everything he does is cute. Enjoy!

Parties and Tractors

We celebrated Grandpa VK's birthday on Saturday- They pulled up to his house with a parade float and then brought him to the town hall where all of his friends and family were waiting to wish him a Happy 75th Birthday

Nolan got his first tractor ride this weekend. He didn't want to let go of the steering wheel and he made tractor noises as he was driving.

Nolan thinks he is a pretty good looking boy- he was giving himself kisses in the mirror

He got the chance to play with Tana G. few weekends ago, the three month age difference is getting harder to see as they get older. They paid most attention to the toys and not much to each other.
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