Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Claus!

Gearing up for Christmas!

Nolan has been busy helping put up decorations and practicing posing for Christmas pictures. He even got to meet Santa and tell him what he wants for Christmas.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dancing Nolan

Nolan hasn't been feeling well lately, but he can still bust a move!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Congratulations Eric and Betsy Van Keulen!!!
Over Thanksgiving weekend we got to travel to St. Louis with all the Van Keulens to join Eric and Betsy in their wedding celebration. We had the chance to tour a little bit of the city and visit with family. Nolan got to stay in Minneota and saw lots of family there. He stayed at Grandpa Dave's and Grandma Jean's, with Uncle Joe and Aunt Kelly and with Grandma and Grandpa Hoffmann.

On Sunday night Nolan was sleeping when we got home. Luckily he woke up not to long after we were there and of course we let him get up and play for a while with his new Budwieser Clydesdale.

Almost the whole Van Keulen crew

Some sampling after the tour of the Brewery

Nolan's cousins kept him busy over the weekend!! It sound like they had lots of fun together!

Check out video of Eric and Betsy's Wedding on the link below