Just some fun pictures to share. As always Nolan is keeping us busy. He talks non-stop and we can even understand a little bit of what he is saying:) He loves to play with his kitchen, color, play with any kind of remote control or game controller, read books and open up the cupboards to see what kind of goodies he can grab before we catch him. He likes to play with the cat, but he doesn't get too close. When the camera is out he is happy to smile and say cheeeeese and he loves to see his own face on the display after the picture is taken!! We have used Skype to talk family members and he loves to way and say hi to everyone on the computer. He is even learning some good manners...anytime there is food around that Nolan wants, he points and says eeeeeese....until he gets it. Sometimes he will even throw a thank you in after that!
The artist at work!
The artist at work!